
These General Conditions of Purchase

These General Conditions of Purchase (GPC) for purchase of goods/services placed on the website of the Company SZEL-TECH SZELIGA GRZEGORZ with registered office in Mielec, 16 Sołtyka Street, 39-300 Mielec constitute an integral part of the Order and are binding for both Parties pursuant to art.384 §1 of Civil Code.

General Conditions of Purchase

  1. GPC are binding in the scope in which particular issues have not been regulated otherwise in the Order or in a written agreement concluded between the Parties.
  2. Any conditions and provisions included by the Supplier in an offer, reply to an enquiry, invoice or any other document or expressed by the SUPPLIER in any other form, differing from the provisions of these GPCs or deviating from them by adding, modifying, substituting or any other change, shall not bind SZEL-TECH SZELUGA GRZEGORZ, nor cause any legal effect unless expressly accepted in writing by an authorised representative of SZEL-TECH SZELIGA GRZEGORZ.
  3. The order is submitted to the SUPPLIER in written form, by e-mail or by fax.
  4. The order should specify the type and quantity of purchased goods, delivery date, net and gross price and any specific requirements for the goods.
  5. The acceptance of the Order by the SUPPLIER means the acceptance of the provisions of the GPC and conclusion of a purchase-sale agreement in the scope determined in the Order.
  6. Each order must be confirmed by the SUPPLIER in appropriate written form (contract/agreement, pro forma invoice, confirmation letter). Confirmation of the order means that the SUPPLIER fully accepts the product configuration and delivery conditions. The order acknowledgement document should contain the transfer of all conditions specified in the order or explicitly accept them.
  7. The SUPPLIER shall be obliged to hand over with the product documents confirming its quality acceptance in accordance with the manufacturer's technical conditions and quality requirements specified in the order.
  8. The SUPPLIER is obliged to present the certificate of Quality Management System (if it has implemented the system) and to inform SZEL-TECH SZELIGA GRZEGORZ about the fact of expiry of the certificate and to send copies of certificates in case of their renewal.
  9. The SUPPLIER shall guarantee the full identification of the required product configuration by proper labelling, quality documentation of the product, documented completeness and interchangeability, certificates of conformity and origin, which are attached to the delivered product.
  10. The product delivered by the SUPPLIER must also meet all other requirements specified in the order, including: year of manufacture, category, technical condition, resources and warranty, approvals, proper packaging and delivery dates. The technology of service execution is chosen by the CONTRACTOR and is approved by him.
  11. The SUPPLIER shall carry out the inspection of the product in such a way as to guarantee that the requirements of the drawing, technical conditions, standards and requirements specified for the design, tests, inspection, verification, use of statistical techniques for the acceptance of the product and other requirements specified in the order are met.
  12. In case of revealing any deviations from the product configuration and other requirements specified in the order, the SUPPLIER is obliged to immediately inform SZEL-TECH SZELIGA GRZEGORZ about this fact together with information about actions taken to eliminate and prevent similar events. The SUPPLIER is obliged to obtain from SZEL-TECH SZELIGA GRZEGORZ the approval of the disposition decision related to the non-conforming product in writing.
  13. The SUPPLIER is obliged to inform SZEL-TECH SZELIGA GRZEGORZ about any change in the product or process, change of its SUPPLIERS, changes in the location of the production department. SZEL-TECH SZELIGA GZREGORZ must each time approve the proposal of changes.
  14. SZEL-TECH SZELIGA GRZEGORZ reserves the right of access for representatives of SZEL-TECH SZELIGA GRZEGORZ, its CUSTOMERS and AIR SAFETY AUTHORITIES to all specific areas and equipment concerning orders executed by the SUPPLIER at any level of the supply chain and to all applicable documents, records at the SUPPLIER and its SUPPLIERS for the purpose of audits and product verification.
  15. The SUPPLIER is obliged to keep the records resulting from the transactions in accordance with the stipulated regulations, but not less than the period required by the CUSTOMER, the SURVEILLANCE AUTHORITY and/or the lifetime of the products.